Nine Crows are heading South.
The proud owners of three Dublin stores, Nine Crows has revealed that they will be heading to Cork next week for one day only.
Hardly long enough but better than nothing, that’s for sure.
Organised in collaboration with the UCC Fashion Society, Nine Crows will set up shop on campus selling all sorts of attire – including menswear, womenswear and accessories. And good news as everything will be priced under €20.
Admission will cost €2 which will go to the UCC fashion soc and shoppers are advised to bring their own bags as Nine Crows won’t be providing them at the event.
Taking place Wednesday, February 26th in the Aula Maxima at UCC from 11am to 4pm.
So, to recap, here’s all you need to know about the pop-up:
- both cash and card will be accepted
- entry costs €2
- taking place on the UCC campus
- menswear, womenswear and accessories will be on sale (in all shapes and sizes)
- everything under €20
Pioneers of the Dublin thrift scene, Nine Crows have Topshop concessions in both Cork and Galway but haven’t ruled out the possibility of opening another store outside of the capital…and if it’s good enough for Ariana Grande, it’s certainly good enough for us.
Yup Nine Crows.