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17th Jul 2017

A Galway Nightclub Is Doing Something Very Sound For Heel-Wearing Guests

Alana Laverty

We’ve all been there. 

Up in the club, getting our groove on, dancing the night away. 

But five minutes in and you’re gravely regretting your shoe choice – why, oh why, did I just go with converse?

It’s not like you can just ditch the heels – no, no the bouncer will be having NONE of that. So you power on through, only to become the victim of a hundred blisters the following day. 

But not for long – as this Galway nightclub has introduced a deadly idea that we’re hoping all Irish nightclubs will follow suit of. 

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Formerly known as Karma, the cloakroom at dna nightclub in Galway is offering flats to heel-wearing gals that can’t hack the sesh. 

And for only a fiver too!

Doesn’t get much sounder than that. 

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