The vast majority of us are never going to be able to own a house worth a couple of million Euros. Certainly not one on Howth head with some of the most spectacular views of Dublin imaginable.
Thanks to Airbnb though you can now have that experience for one night at least as this slick pad is listed on the site for just €600 a night. That might seem steep enough at first but when you factor in the ability to sleep eight people there that works out at less than €80 per person per night.
Why stay in a plain old hotel when you can walk around pretending this mansion is yours and this is how you live all the time?

Some of the main features include…
- Some of the best views across Dublin bay
- Large kitchen and entertaining facilities
- Snooker Table
- Large gardens for outdoor entertaining
- Secure car parking
If you like what you see and are planning a trip to Dublin find seven friends and make this stunning pad your home for the night. Full listing is here.

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