When someone tells us that Ireland is a picturesque part of the world, we’re like ‘yeah, you’ll never beat the Irish, tell us something we don’t know.’
So, it was obvious that over the years, famous movie stars and musicians would set up a mini-camp here to visit every once in a while.
Sex and the city star, Sarah Jessica Parker was one of those many stars who bought property over here and she frequently visits her home in Donegal.
She posted this picture on Instagram yesterday saying ‘Rabbit, rabbit’ which is an old superstition where people say that phrase at the first of every month and in return it brings them good luck.
Her fans were absolutely baffled by the beauty of Donegal and couldn’t get over this “amazing and beautiful place” and thought it was like something from movie set.
As well as this, fans were giving her ideas for trips around Ireland, telling her to come to Spiddal and Tralee if she gets a chance.
Sadly though, it looks like her, the husband and the kids have all been housebound because of the rain these past few days.
Hopefully the Bank Holiday treats you better, SJP.
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