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20th Apr 2017

WATCH: This Irish Hotel Hosted A First Dates Event – And It Actually Looks Incredible


First Dates Ireland has absolutely blown up in terms of popularity over the past couple of weeks.

Every Thursday night, thousands tune in to check out the awkwardness, the laughs and the love forming right in front of them. 

Not satisfied with just having a Dublin event – the Wyatt Hotel in Westport decided to take the event into their own hands and set up their very own version of First Dates. 

And here’s how they got on…

Looks incredible, right?

The night was a huge success, with over 265 applicants, 20 dates, two no shows, one stand-in date and 12 dates that went incredibly well, meaning they all want to see each other again


We hope this will encourage bar, restaurant and hotel owners all over the country to start up their very own First Dates events. 

We’d love to see the results!

READ NEXT: WATCH: This Irish Fireman Carried A Runner Over The Finish Line And Is Hailed A Hero
