No matter how hard we try, we just can’t keep up with this modern era of ‘chatsnapping’ and ‘instant gramming’ or whatever the kids are calling it.
Back in 90s Ireland, we really had our finger on the pulse of the nation. How many of these were you obsessed with?
1. Boyzone
The unmistakable tones of Ronan Keating were mimicked in playgrounds across the country.
2. Pogs
There was a spell between 1996 and 1998 when they were basically currency.
3. ‘Home And Away’
The trials and tribulations of a bunch of Aussie teenagers was of paramount importance at half six of a weekday evening.
4. Dinosaurs
Jurassic Park, The Land Before Time, Dinosaurs (that sitcom with the cute dino baby).
Prehistoric creatures were all the rage.
5. Conkers
The pre-internet era of destroying your mates knuckles with horse-chestnuts.

6. Sonic The Hedgehog
If you weren’t guiding Sonic and Tails past Dr. Robotnik on the Sega Megadrive…
7. Game Boys
You were spending hours playing Super Mario and Tetris on this.
8. Slinkies
Why? We don’t know.
9. ‘Sister Sister’
Were you more like the studious, good-natured Tia or the carefree, somewhat naive Tamera?
10. Yoyos
If you were skilled with these bad boys, the whole schoolyard was around your little finger (no pun intended).
11. ‘Top 30 Hits’
The Fugees, Oasis, Chumbawumba. Watching Top 30 Hits was the only way an Irish 90s kid could keep up with goings-on on the hit parade.
12. Swapping Premiership stickers
Have, have, need. A Manchester United shiny was equal to half the QPR team and that was non-negotiable.
Cleaning out an old desk and found some even older classic Premiership stickers!
— Aaron Roles (@Wtcchhh) October 9, 2015
13. Goosebumps books
In the end, they all turned out to be aliens. Every time.
14. ‘Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles’
A bunch of crime-fighting adolescent reptiles who were partial to a pizza or ten. What’s not to like?
15. Trolls
Ya’d spend hours combing their mad hair.
16. Bart Simpson
Not The Simpsons tv show, or the Simpson family in general. Just the rebellious nature of the eldest son, as epitomised by the following classic. Don’t have a cow, man.
17. Spice Girls
Girl Power swept the nation in the summer of ’96.
18. ‘Friends’
We knew absolutely nothing of the intricacies of adult relationships. But when Ross said Rachel’s name at the altar we were all still like ‘woah…’
19. Roller blades
You;d give your right arm for a pair of FX 4’s.
READ NEXT: 10 Epic ‘90s Kids Shows You’ve Probably Forgotten Ever Existed