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23rd Dec 2021

5 iconic pieces of art inspired by the man who slipped on the ice

Fiona Frawley

Almost 11 years later, you’d think we as a nation would have moved on. But we never will.

Once it goes on Reeling in the Years, it’s etched in our brains forever.

To this day, the man who slipped on the ice has never come forward to identify himself, but that hasn’t stopped Irish artists across all mediums creating iconic work inspired by the scene. We’ve selected some of our faves, from watercolour paintings to comedy sketches, tattoos to death drop edits. Let’s get into it.

Mind where you step.

1. A Watercolour Painting

A year ago, watercolourist Aine Macken was commissioned to create this artistic reenactment of the infamous scene. She’s really captured the angst and sense of drama, don’t you think?

2. A Death Drop Video Edit

After a shout out from James Kavanagh, this edit by producer Síomha Ní Ruairc of man who slipped on ice slipping into a fierce death drop was born unto the Twittersphere. I may or may not have watched it 800 times.

3. A miniature painting

Kildare-born painter Paul Broughall has created miniature versions of everyone from Bosco to Kat Slater, but this one of the man who slipped on the ice is a personal fave of mine.

4. Illustration turned Tattoo

Originally an emotive drawing by designer and illustrator Hephee, this piece now lives forever after being tattooed by fine line extraordinaire Stephen Doyle. A collab for the ages.

5. What Ever Happened to the Man Who Slipped on the Ice? (Comedy Sketch)

One of the OG works of art inspired by our icy friend, this sketch written by Tom Walsh and Kevin McGahern documents life after that fateful RTÉ news report.

Man who slipped on the ice, we don’t know who you are, and at this stage we probably never will. All we can really do is thank you for your services to comedy and culture, and hope that one day you emerge from the shadows to claim your crown as a national treasure.

Header image via Twitter/Aine Macken 

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