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24th Mar 2018

Dermot Bannon’s Chat-Up Line On This 1994 ‘Blind Date’ Episode Deserves More Recognition


Footage has just resurfaced of Dermot Bannon as a contestant on the ITV show Blind Date way back in 1994.

Long before he was Ireland’s dad (as we like to think of him), Dermot was an architecture student in London on the hunt for some love, who managed to get roped into auditioning for the dating show by friends.

Once on Blind Date, young Bannon was seated next to two other male hopefuls behind a screen, while Jenny Falconer (now a TV presenter) posed questions to them to determine who she should pick.

When Falconer posed a question to Bannon, he responded with a terrible, terrible chat-up line…

Let us give you that line one more time:

“You want some inside information? Forget the two ugly ducklings and go for the swan”.

Alas, silver tongue or no, Bannon was not the lucky winner of a date at the end of the episode. 

As a consolation, can we all just promise to make a serious effort to popularise this chat-up line please? Cheers.

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