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08th Nov 2017

Here’s Why Facebook Wants You To Send Them Your Nudes

Megan Cassidy

With so many scams doing the rounds at the moment, our trust levels have been massively compromised. 

But a new request from Facebook that’s spreading like wildfire is anything but a scam – in fact, it’s a massive step towards combatting revenge porn. 

According to The Guardian, a pilot scheme currently being trialled in Australia entails users sending Facebook any nude photos that they have shared with partners, to stop the photos being publicised should the relationship end. 

Anyone concerned that a photo may be shared via Facebook, Whatsapp or Instagram can upload the files so that the company can “fingerprint them” and block any further sharing. 

Australia’s e-safety commissioner Julia Inman Grant told ABC, ‘We see many scenarios where maybe photos or videos were taken consensually at one point, but there was not any sort of consent to send the images or videos more broadly.’

If the trial is a success, we can expect it to roll out globally in the near future. 

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