The HSE has published drug harm reduction information for festival goers with guidelines on how to stay as safe as possible when taking drugs.
This comes after the deaths of two young people at a festival in the UK and recent data which shows Ireland is amongst the highest in Europe for psychoactive drug use.
We’re also the fourth highest in Europe for drug-induced mortality at 71 deaths per million.
The HSE’s drug harm reduction information warns potential drug users that it is always safer not to use ecstasy and/or MDMA, but if you do:
1. Test dose a new batch – begin with a low dose ¼ pill
2. Wait at least two hours before using anymore
3. Some pills are cut with other drugs that take effect more slowly
4. When buying always know your source
5. Mixing drugs and alcohol can increase the risk of unwanted side effects
6. Stay with trusted friends
7. Stay well hydrated by drinking water and remember to eat properly
8. MDMA can make people sexually aroused – always use a condom
9. Chewing gum can help jaw cramps
10. Wait four weeks between sessions.
For more info check out the HSE’s Drug and Alcohol Information Support website or freephone the HSE Drug Helpline on 1800 459 459.
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