Aisling Bea has reassured nervous students that “it’ll be all to play for”, and to cut themselves some slack if their exam results aren’t exactly what they were hoping for.
With everything that’s going on in the world at the minute, it can be easy to get wrapped up in our own little bubbles and forget about other people’s worries. But the reality is that almost everyone has something to worry about… and if you don’t, well, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
Hoping to help put nervous students’ minds at ease Aisling Bea, or Wee Miss Bea as she’s known on Twitter, has shared some words of wisdom for anyone awaiting exam results this summer.
“People getting exam results this summer – remember that no student in history has ever had the type of last few months or system you guys have had, so don’t compare a type of future you think you may or may not now get either. It’ll be all to play for. (write own joke here) xx”
According to her, success is never a straightforward road.
“Very few people you like had a straightforward road. Take in what you get, be relieved or disappointed, let that sit & then say BYE to your thoughts, go hang out with your friends for a bit IRL (safely) or online & talk about nothing to do with exams or the future for a bit x”
My favourite comment of the day goes to Twitter user Spurgle5 though, who wrote: “Aisling Bea should be Aisling A+ for advice like that”.
A truly excellent joke, bravo.