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14th Jul 2017

This Is The One Holiday Photo That Pisses Everyone Off On Social Media


They might give you a feeling of unbridled joy every time you flick through them, but those 470 photos on Facebook of your gals trip to Marbs or interrailing through Eastern Europe aren’t impressing anyone else.

In fact, a study by travel insurer Aviva found that people don’t give a single f*ck.

Like, not at all.

73% of people said they find it annoying when they see other people’s holiday snaps of sugary cocktails, overposed bikini photos and beaches we will never see with our own eyes.

And the biggest offender? The ONE photo that people seriously hate?

It’s the old beaut, the ‘Hotdogs Or Legs’ on the beach snap.

While 44% of people polled said they post holiday snaps to keep friends and family up to date, 21% admitted they do so to boast about where they’re vacationing and 10% do it to make others jealous. Fair.

The top five most common holiday pictures posted are the view from the balcony, cultural landmarks and sightseeing pics, the first cocktail, new people met while on holiday and local dogs and cats, according to Aviva.

They’re grand, just don’t be guilty of the hotdog leg ones yeah?

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