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20th Dec 2016

Rebecca Black Is Back – And Her New Single Isn’t Half Bad


Remember Rebecca Black? Yes, that Rebecca Black, who thrilled us all with her debut single, Friday, which became a viral hit – thanks in no small part to the fact that it was so, so bad.

To date, Friday has 93 million YouTube hits, and Rebecca herself has 1.3 million subscribers.

Well, now she’s back with a new single, The Great Divide, which we were fully expecting to hate. Like, really, really hate.

And as it happens, The Great Divide isn’t half bad. Sure, she takes herself very seriously – and there are a few “nods” to Taylor Swift that T Swift could well be a little peeved about, but as listens go, this is as easy as they come. 

Have a listen – and let us know if you love or loathe her new song.
