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27th Nov 2017

PIC: This Sign In Galway Shows Just How Little Irish People Care For Official Rules


One of many thousands of signs for clamping notices was spotted on Newcastle Road (just outside of NUIG) that has something a little bit unusual compared to others around Ireland…

KnightsThatSayNii posted the photo to Ireland’s subreddit page and the sign is very dated. 

It still has the punt symbol on it. Irish people are known for having a lackadaisy attitude to updating things (some ATMs still have a ‘?’ for the € symbol!), and this sign 100% proves it’s true…

Have a look:

Considering the Euro currency took over the Irish Pounds in Ireland with full effect in 2002, this sign must be standing for over 15 years.

It is kind of funny to see the punt symbol still in place on a sign all these years later, we wonder if it will ever be changed…

header image: KnightsThatSayNii post/Reddit

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