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15th May 2017

PIC: This Steak Looks VERY Familiar – It’s Kinda Scary


Being on the pulse of the nation we like to bring you the most important news at all times and today we have something that is freaking us out a little bit…. 

We spotted it when trawling through our #lovinireland hashtag over on Instagram looking for a photo of the day… and we bursht out laughin’.

So this is a map of Ireland – the island we all live on and love. 

We know what it looks like, but let us remind you…

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And then compared to this is the photo taken by Deirdre Walsh on Instagram…

Here they are side by side. It’s all there from Galway and the Dingle peninsula over to Wexford and up to Norther Ireland…

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Imagine someone putting this down in front of you in a restaurant… you’d be speechless. 

Image credit: Deirdre Walsh

We Sat Down For An AMA This Week With Irish Lifestyle And Fitness Legend, Rob Lipsett…
