What a lovely souvenir to bring home with you from your holiday.
Having a sickly feeling on a plane isn’t an unusual occurrence. Hit a bit of turbulence and you can feel your stomach doing somersaults.
Or, if you’ve had a rough night and your flight is early the next morning, you’d be wishing that you could open the windows for some air.
But, to spot this heading home after a holiday, is just a new level of sick altogether.
Reddit User Fireglod was less than impressed when he took his seat for home on a plane that was leaving Portugal.
They were returning home from Lisbon and were taken aback to see that a condom was underneath their seat…

Was it used? Was it unused?
We don’t know the ins and outs of it all but the user did say that the “poor air hostess didn’t know what to do. She put a newspaper over it and moved me.”
They also guessed that: “It was probably some lads heading over for a stag that whipped it out.”
Still, major ew.
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