What is it about something as serious as the RTÉ News bulletin that produces moments of sheer awkwardness.
We’ve came across our fair share of RTÉ Bloopers – the latest one from last week is probably up there with one of the worst of all time, someone definitely got in trouble for this – but this is not a blooper.
It’s just a moment of live television that is so brilliant but so awkward that you don’t know whether to laugh or look away.
Professor John Sweeney was on the RTÉ News to talk about the weather following the confirmation that Storm Ali is heading in our direction.
After being introduced by Keelin Shanley just before the break, the cameras turn to Sweeney who gives the most “am I on live television” look that we’ve ever seen.
If the video isn’t showing for you in the article, you can find it here.
This lad looks like he was caught pissing in an elevator pic.twitter.com/GsTo209Cjr
— Kevin McGahern (@kevinmcgahern) September 18, 2018
It’s a combination of everything. The smile lasts for too long, the gaze at the camera lasts for too long.
At one stage he looks over at the presenters and you think that the creepy gaze is broken but no, after one second his eyes are fixated back on the camera as he continues to fashion an awkward smile.