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12th Apr 2017

The Line Up For This Gorge Boutique Festival Has Been Released And It’s Pretty Great


Boutique festivals are really on the rise in Ireland, with the summer weekend’s packed full of quirky and exciting events that represent a heap load of different music styles.

Another Love Story is just one of the gorge festivals on this year, “a bespoke weekender of music, art, whimsey & fun”, nestled in the glorious surrounds of Killyon Manor in Co. Meath from Friday 18th – Sunday 20th August.

Brought to you by Homebeat and Happenings, the first acts have just been released and we’re loving them:

Katie KimOverhead The Albatross JFDR This Is How We Fly I Am The Cosmos / Bantum / ELLLL / Replete / Ailbhe Reddy / Tomorrows/ and more…

There’ll also be DJ’s from Bodytonic, and Sing Along Social.

 Plus all the usual wild antics.

Looks amazing, doesn’t it? Tickets are €185 and can be bought here.

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