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28th Jul 2017

The Stuff Of Nightmares – Giant Spider Invades Couple’s House


Imagine just quietly making your dinner with your other half when a spider the size of a football suddenly appears at the window.

While it looks like something out of a movie, this scene actuallyunfolded when a Huntsman spider showed up in Australia this week. 

The couple named the giant beast ‘Aragog’ after the Harry Potter creature. 

After a brief standoff where they tried to shoo the giant away they showed it to the cat to see if maybe that might sort the problem (or perhaps as a sacrifice to save their own lives.)

Look at the size of the bloody thing…

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After a bit of swatting and some screaming they managed to encourage him to go back to the woods. How they slept after this ordeal we have no idea…

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They did the only logical thing and tried to get the cat to sort the mess. He didn’t fancy it much either…

Naturally people were more than willing to offer advice from a distance…

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We are never ever going to Australia after seeing this!!!
