We’ve scoured the telly to find the very best movies for your Wednesday evening.
Wednesday. We’ve done it. We’re half way through this week. Weekend is almost here! But before then, here are some suggestions to watch on TV tonight if you’re looking to kill a few hours…
Ender’s Game – FilmFour – 6.45pm
Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley take charge of a group of young space soldiers in order to defend the Earth from an incoming alien threat. This was lost in the shuffle of all those YA movies that came out in a hurry – Divergent, The Hunger Games, The Fifth Wave, etc. – but at least this one is set in space, so… there’s that.
Non-Stop – More4 – 9pm
Liam Neeson is an Air Marshal who must find a killer on board a 747 who is sending him texts saying they will kill someone on board the flight every 20 minutes until their financial demands are met. Julianne Moore heads the surprisingly impressive supporting cast.
Kingsman: The Secret Service – FilmFour – 9pm
Taron Egerton (who would go on to brilliantly play Elton John in Rocketman) is recruited by Colin Firth’s super spy in this very funny and very violent interpretation of the 007 franchise. Samuel L. Jackson is the OTT bad-guy with plans to literally blow everyone’s heads up.
Death Wish – ITV4 – 10pm
Charles Bronson is the mild-mannered man who finally snaps when violent intruders break into his home and murder his wife, sending him on a long mission of vigilante justice against anyone who crosses his path. Somehow this movie is both iconic and just not very good. Make of that what you will.
Adore – Channel 4 – 1.50am
If you’re up very late – and chances are you will be, because nobody can sleep in this heat – then you might want to check out this erotic drama, in which Naomi Watts and Robin Wright play best friends who both embark on a relationship with each other’s sons. As you do.