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02nd Apr 2017

This ‘Alpacas Of Instagram’ Account Is The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread


Alpacas originate from South America and the plateaus of Peru where they graze and their fibre is used to knit in the same way wool is. 

They also happen to be hands-down the cutest animals in the world and as their popularity rises they are being bred all over the world. 

While pictures pop up now and again we wanted to highlight this Alpacas Of Instagram account which is quite possibly the best social media account we’ve ever had the fortune of coming across. 

Who wouldn’t want that level of cuteness to scroll through every day?

If you do one thing today then make it following this Instagram account for your daily dose of alpaca going forward.

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Goodnight alpaca fam!! @freyaseal #alpacasofinstagram

A post shared by Alpacas of Instagram (@alpacasofinstagram) on

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Happy Saturday!! @beigecardigan #alpacasofinstagram

A post shared by Alpacas of Instagram (@alpacasofinstagram) on

We want one.


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