Andruis Burba is a photographer who has a unique fascination with animals – and in particular looking them from below.
It allows us to see them in a completely new light.
Andruis has been getting busy at work and has just launched a new book featuring shots like these of pooches in all shapes and sizes. You can see some of his other work here including photos of cats and even horses in the same style.
Some of the dogs are having the absolute time of their lives, some nervous, and some you can’t even see anything bar their tiny little paws. Aww.
We could look at these all day long!

As the man himself says…
“For the Under-dogs project I have designed a specially manufactured glass table in order to photograph bigger dogs. After capturing Under-dogs, I decided to go full-time on the following projects of Underlook. In our future plans – Tigers.
“Today I am also presenting a release of my second book with dogs. Books can be bought on Amazon and it is shipped worldwide. You can also see a backstage video on my Youtube channel.”
You can also see his work here on Facebook.

Dogs just make everything 10x better don’t they?
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