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04th May 2017

This Map Reveals What Ireland Looked Like 300 Million Years Ago


Ireland just isn’t the same as it was back in the day.

And by ‘the day’, we mean 300 million years ago.

Yessir, back when the whole world was the great big supercontinent Pangaea, Ireland’s neighbours were a lot closer and more interesting.

Artist Massimo Pietrobon posted a picture on showing Pangaea as you’ve never seen it before: with modern day international borders in place. 

The result is pretty cool…

Map Pangaea

Credit: Massimo Pietrobon/

At that point in history, Ireland’s nearest neighbours were Iceland, Greenland, Spain and an even closer Britain. Just think how much cheaper those flights would’ve been.

For a zoomable version of this map, click HERE.

READ NEXT: QUIZ: Can You Name These 15 Countries By Their Shape Alone?
