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06th Mar 2018

WATCH: The Netflix ‘Lost In Space’ Remake Could Be Your Next Big Binge

James Fenton

The words Lost In Space won’t mean much to a lot of millennials out there but to a certain generation they bring on a certain level of nostalgia. 

The sci-fi TV series was a hit when it first aired in the 1960s and retained its popularity through repeats which were popular with Irish people of all ages right up until the 1990s. 

While the original show is remembered largely for its camp, kitschy tone, the new version seems like an altogether darker affair, if this new trailer is anything to go by.

Netflix released the clip today and the show has definitely taken advantage of 21st century production technology. The premise remains the same with the Robinson Family stranded on an unknown planet after a cosmic expedition goes wrong. 

The Lost In Space remake will be released on April 13 and looks like it could be a big hit for the streaming service.

Check out the short trailer below. 

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