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Food and Drink

08th Jun 2019

Aldi Is Selling Gin And Tonic In A Can For €1.50 And Summer Is Sorted

Éadaoin Fitzmaurice

Now that is a glam bag of cans…

Summer is here and Aldi is making all of my #Ginfluencer dreams come true.

There have been many day-drinking occasions when all of my friends rock up with their cans and I look like a right dzope with my glass bottle of gin and litre of tonic water.

Well, my prayers have been answered because you can now buy pre-mixed cans.

Yep, you’ve heard me.

Aldi has launched three different flavours of gin and tonic in a can!

Best of all, it only costs a very reasonable €1.50.

This is a dream for festival season as it’s perfectly portable!

From this week on, they will be stocking Greyson’s Gin & Tonic, Diet Gin & Tonic and Pink Gin & Tonic.

I can only imagine how quickly this will sell out.

They will also be stocking 250ml Boyle’s Gin cans for €1.99 each.

This is literally the BEST DAY EVER!

Whether you’re summer drinking by the canal, on the beach, at a festival, over a picnic, at prinks before the club, these cans will be an absolute godsend.

I’m so terrible at getting my mixing proportions right too so this is ideal.

Brb, just going to stash up for the summer!
