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Food and Drink

30th Apr 2019

PintWatch: A Guinness So Cursed You’ll Wish You Hadn’t Seen It

Rebecca Keane

While there’s always two sides to a story, there’s only one way to serve a pint.

A Guinness is something sacred, a heavenly drink that should be served tall dark and thick with a creamy top but from time to time a heathen or two decides to mess with it.

Just last week we unfortunately witnessed a Guinness and WKD hybrid and as time goes by it seems the people of Ireland are getting worse in their handling of Guinness’s.

The latest Guinness disrespected is one served at Dublin Airport to unsuspecting customer Kelly Jackson.

Jackson was passing through Dublin Airport and was given so much head on her pint you’d surely need to file for planning permission.

Jaysus lads… That’s nearly half the glass?

Witnesses to the criminal picture sympathised with Jackson, with pubs such as The Irish TownHouse offering to show her a decent pint.

What’s the worse pint you were ever served? Let us know!

