Preparing for interviews can be pretty scary.
You’re essentially selling yourself to a potential employer, so it’s important to know what you’re talking about.
It’s well known that, when heading in for an interview, you should do your research about the company, know what salary you should be expecting, and be confident talking about your skills and assets.
But, as well as these basic interview tips, Business Insider rounded up a few that you might not have thought of before.
Maybe take note before your next big interview…
Prepare some good conversation starters
Making a first impression at a job interview is essential if you want to be considered for the role, so it’s probably a good idea to strategically choose some good conversation starters.
According to the publication, the most important thing is making the interviewer feel comfortable and relaxed around you.
Good conversation starters include asking the person how their weekend was, or even referencing something about the company, like one of their posts you saw over the weekend, for example.
Pretend you’re starting the job tomorrow
Matt Kaness, CEO of online clothing retailer ModCloth told Business Insider about one interviewee who really impressed him.
The interviewee arrived with a brief of suggestions on how the ModCloth’s app could be improved, which clearly showed dedication and enthusiasm.
Kaness said: “This person saw ModCloth as a platform for them to do their best work and bring their craft to the table in a way that was additive.”
“I loved seeing that initiative.”
Send a thank you email
If an interview goes well, this step can sometimes be forgotten about.
However, showing that you really care about the job and that you really want the position can be quite a powerful technique to make sure you’re remembered by the interviewer.
A simple thank you email should be sent within 24 hours of your interview, and could have more of an impact than you would have ever thought.