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22nd Aug 2018

‘Donovanosis’ – The Flesh Eating STI That’s Close To Coming To Ireland

Darragh Berry

Anything bad to do with that area down there will always make us shout ‘AHHHH, nope, sorry, not listening, come outta that now, la, la, la.

You never want to see the words ‘flesh-eating’ and ‘genitals’ anywhere near each other, same as you don’t want to see an STI near you either.

However, there is a new super Sexual Transmitted Infection doing the rounds and it sounds horrible.

The first ever case was found in the UK this week and it’s quite possible that it will head across the pond to us.

‘Donovanosis’ has been coming and going in various countries for years but it has been detected in the UK for the first time ever according to The Irish Mirror.

The bug causes genital ulcers to grow and spread and if it is left untreated, the flesh will actually start to eat itself.

It can be treated so easily with antibiotics, however, but you need to be really quick when it comes to treatment.

Infections typically occur in the genital area, but can also appear around the nose, mouth and chest and it is known to have a foul smell.

It can be picked up as simply as coming in contact with a bleeding ulcer and symptoms can shown one to 12 weeks after contact.

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