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09th May 2018

Deep Breaths – America’s Most Wanted Skincare Brand Is FINALLY Shipping To Ireland


Haven’t heard of The Solution? It will soon be the only thing you put on that pretty face of yours, swear. 

Coveted American beauty brand Glossier has just announced that they will be shipping to Ireland starting May 15, and we are weeping at the good news that landed in our email inbox.

Why? Well, to start with, their ethos is all about perfecting your skin rather than covering it in makeup. “Glowy, dewy skin is synonymous with Glossier, with products invented to bring out your best before reaching for makeup. Then makeup becomes the fun part, not the fix—as it should be.”

Secondly, the products are goddamn millennial pink. Need we say more?

Glossier has a range of skincare products and make up that people have been craving in Ireland since it became popular 

Just like the famed Abercrombie rush of our teenage years, anyone who’s heading to New York these days is plagued with requests for some Glossier swag and people have also been using AddressPal to get the products shipped from the UK site. 

I admit, I went mad at their New York showroom and my bathroom shelf has never looked prettier nor my skin glowier. 

Top picks include the aforementioned Solution (£19), a literal skin perfecter that contains a particular 10% blend of three acid actives for maximum efficacy: Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA), and Polyhydroxy Acid (PHA).

The Balm dot com comes in various lush scents and is a rich balm for lips and dry skin while the Milky Jelly Cleanser feels like actual silk on your face. 

People go crazy for this stuff that there’s actual waiting lists for some of the products. Usually The Solution.

And it’s safe to say that Irish Glossier fans are delighted it’s now easier to get their fix…

Best Tuesday ever. Roll on May 15.

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