The Department of Internal Affairs in New Zealand has released its annual list of baby names that were declined in 2017.
There were 46 times in total that a name was denied by the department when registered through their SmartStart System.
“A name or combination of names must not cause offence to a reasonable person, be unreasonably long, or include or resemble an official title or rank,” according to the Department of Internal Affairs:
If names do not appear to meet these criteria listed above, they will be reviewed and then families have the opportunity to present a case for the name.
“Less than one percent of babies have their proposed name considered, but the name of any baby born and registered in New Zealand must comply with New Zealand’s rules, regardless of the nationality of the parents,” says Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages Jeff Montgomery.
The name denied the most were: ‘Prince’ (4 times) with ‘Royal’ and ‘Royalty’ denied thrice on the list.
There were even entries for basic grammatical symbols such as a ‘slash’ and a ‘full stop’.
Absolute madness.
Here is the list of names that were not approved by the registrar-general in 2017 and beside it is the amount of times it was declined.
- . (1)
- / (1)
- Chief (1)
- Duke (2)
- Ida-Qween (1)
- II (1)
- III (1)
- IV (1)
- Jahstice (1)
- Judge (1)
- Justice (1)
- Justus (1)
- Justyce (1)
- Justyce-Krimson (1)
- King (1)
- Lady (1)
- Legion-King (1)
- Majesty (1)
- Major (1)
- Messiah (1)
- Miss (2)
- Priince (1)
- Prince (4)
- Prince-Pahata (1)
- Prynce (1)
- Regal (1)
- Rogue (1)
- Royaale (1)
- Royal (3)
- Royale-Lee (1)
- Royall (1)
- Royalty (3)
- Saint (2)
- Sovereign (1)
- Triple M (1)
- X (1)
Next batch of baby name suggestions are sorted so…
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