This weekend is the annual Slow Down operation, a gardai operation which hopes to reduce the number of speed related collisions, save lives and reduce injuries on our roads.
Yesterday the gardai were out in force to clamp down on drivers who might be speeding, and despite the guards even releasing a list of locations where officers and speed cameras would be in effect, a huge number of drivers were caught.
Breaking News report that 226 drivers were caught speeding in the space of 24 hours.
Gardai checked the speed of almost 135,000 vehicles in that time.
One driver was caught doing 100kms per hour in a 60km area in Youngstown, Kildare, while the fasted driver caught was going 125kms per hour in a 100km zone on the N4 at Lackan, Longford.
Assistant Commissioner Michael Finn of the Roads Policing Bureau said:
“We would like to thank the 134,513 drivers who were found to be compliant and drove within the speed limit and would encourage all drivers to drive safely, comply with and respect speed limits”.
READ NEXT: Gardai Have Released A List Of Locations Where They Will Be Checking For Speeding This Weekend