Two pups dubbed the ‘saddest dogs in Ireland’ are currently in need of a forever home but have had only two visitors so far and were overlooked both times.
The Bassett Hounds named Buster and Charlie were sadly left in at Ash Animal Rescue in Rathdangan, Co Wicklow after their owners were evicted from their home and could no longer care for them.
Both dogs are described as very loving and easy going, as well as being well trained. Buster, the lighter coloured dog, is nine years old, while Charlie is aged five.
The rescue centre told the Irish Mirror, “Their temperament, which is typical of Bassets, is pure love. They love to be cuddled, they love to go for walks and they love a good long sleep.
“So far they’ve only had two visits here at the centre and both times the people didn’t come back to take them. It may be because they look so sad and right now they are sad, very sad.
“These two boys have lived together before they came here and we really need to keep them together now.”
They added, “We’re desperate to find a great permanent home for our Charlie and Buster, a home which understands Bassets’ needs and their type of personality.
“They are wonderful breed and we love them very much and we’ll be sorry to see them go but they deserve the best and that means a family home, not a heated kennel.”
If you think you can provide a loving home to Buster and Charlie, you can call Ash Animal Rescue on 059 647 3396.
Main image via Ash Animal Rescue
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