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27th May 2019

Brian McFadden Says Donald Trump ‘Is Exactly What Britain Needs’ In Controversial Tweet

Kiara Keane

Brian McFadden is facing a fair amount of backlash over his controversial comments on Trump and Brexit.

The former Westlife singer weighed in on some of the potential new UK prime ministers, including Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and Jeremy Corbyn, and declared that ‘Britain is f****d’.

Theresa May announced last week that she will be stepping down as Prime Minister on June 7, resulting in a Conservative Party leadership race.

McFadden tweeted, ‘The fact that Borris [sic], Farage and Jeremy are the front runners to be prime minister is scary! Britain is f****d!!! Literally f f****d!

‘Incredible how many Brits jump on the anti-Trump bandwagon. He’s exactly what Britain needs! A Britain first at all costs attitude is essential.’

McFadden has not yet elaborated on his comments, but those who replied to his tweet were unimpressed to say the least:

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