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11th Apr 2018

You’ll Soon Be Able To Get Colourful REPEAL Jumpers Ahead Of The Referendum


For anyone who didn’t manage to get their hands on one of those repeal jumpers that a lot of people have been sporting since they were launched back in 2016, you’re in luck.

The jumpers are making a comeback, and this time you’ll be able to get them in more colours than the original black style.

The Repeal Project announced on Instagram yesterday that the jumpers will be back in stock on Wednesday 02 May.

Posting on their Instagram page, they said: “May 2nd: we release coloured jumpers. Collaborating with some amazing groups and spokespeople.”

They added: “This is the official big fundraiser gig for the national campaign. The final few weeks are crucial to securing a Yes vote.”

The iconic jumpers will be selling for a €25 on the Repeal Project’s website, with all proceeds going to the Abortion Rights Campaign.

The abortion Referendum will take place on Wednesday 25 May.

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