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28th Nov 2018

“Catastophic” ‘El Niño’ Weather To Hit Ireland Hard In Three Months And Potentially Ruin Summer 2019

Darragh Berry

While we’re all still trying to get to grips with Storm Diana, The World Meteorological organisation is warning the public about something far more dangerous.

They have confirmed that there is an 80% chance that an El Niño weather event will hit Ireland in the next three months.

They have said that the event could bring floods to Ireland as well as long periods of drought elsewhere on the planet.

Maxx Dilley, director of the WMO’s Climate Prediction and Adaptation branch, said: “The forecast El Niño is not expected to be as powerful as the event in 2015-2016.

“It can still significantly affect rainfall and temperature patterns in many regions, with important consequences to agricultural and food security sectors, and for management of water resources and public health, and it may combine with long-term climate change to boost 2019 global temperatures.”

El Nino could see sea temperatures increase to about 1.2c above the average.

“An El Niño can create wetter and windier conditions in the first half of winter and it can bring a colder and drier second half, but El Niño is just one factor and others will vie to affect our winter.”

“For example, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation with its 14-month pattern of alternating easterly and westerly winds along the equator can weaken or strengthen the jet stream.”

National Meteorological and Hydrological Services will continue to closely monitor changes in the state of ENSO over the coming months and more information can be found on their website here.

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