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01st May 2017

10 Ridiculously Pretty Photos On #LovinIreland That Prove Summer Has Arrived


Every week, you guys tag hundreds of photos using #lovinireland over on Instagram and it gives us the most incredible perspective of this amazing little rock we all get to live on. 

Our job is to pick the very best photos and share them with you so that the uber-talented folk taking those pictures get seen by an even bigger audience. 

We think you’ll agree that looking at these will remind you just how stunning Ireland actually is.

Make sure to follow all these amazing photographers and also to tag your own photos with #lovinireland to be in with a chance of getting featured next week.

People started hitting the beach

Could it get any prettier?

An incredible view

Like something from a fairytale

A lovely little home

A friendly donkey

A perfectly calm sea

Still doing their amazing work to protect us all

A little baby look

A speed limit or a challenge?

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