Ah, the days of yore.
Filled with hope, dreams of affording a home and Roy of The Rover Bars (WHERE ARE YOU) – we had it good back in the nineties.
Our faces however, didn’t.
Take a trip down memory lane with me, shall you…
1. Body glitter
Two words that under no circumstances should be placed together.

Photo cred: Pinterest
2. Lipsmackers
Coca-cola FTW.

Photo cred: Target
3. Rimmel Sparkly Sunshimmer
Glitter-infused acrylic paint.
Which just came out red on Irish skin.

4. Foundation lips
Crusty and white. Not good.

Photo cred: Buzzle
5. Maxfactor Pan stick
Thick marshmallow coloured paint on our fresh pale skin.
What could possibly go wrong?

Photo cred: Maxfactor
6. Sun in
It only took us about 10 years to realise that it doesn’t fucking work.

7. Clearasil face wash
But by God, we needed it.

8. Victoria’s Secret body mist
The jury’s still out on whether this was just water mixed with sugar or not.
(It was)
Photo cred: Ebay
9. Blue mascara
Which is apparently making a comeback… *shudder*

Photo cred:Imgur
10. Dream Matte Mousse
There was never a shade light enough, but we still soldiered on.
God bless us, we bathed in the stuff.

11. Poorly blended eyeshadow
Was there even any other way?

Photo cred:Imgur
12. Attempting to apply aforementioned eyeshadow with these glorified wooden sticks
A special kind of torture.

Photo cred: Alibaba
13. Sabrina’s Secrets make up products
Why was every product in the 90s thickly coated with glitter?

Photo cred: Milkbubbletea
14. And finally, solely using bronzer as foundation

So, so illegal.
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