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15th Jun 2017

19 Things All Long Distance BFFs Know To Be True


#GenerationEmigration has brought so much more than long distance relationships to the people of Ireland, but LDBFF’s (long distance best friends forevers) too. These have a much higher rate of survival, due to complete stubbornness and total refusal shown from the Irish public. What a time to be alive!

With all the social networks in the world we have now, it’s just about as easy to keep up with your mates as it is the Kardashians, but it can also be pretty tough too. 

See if you notice truth in any of these 19…

1. Subtracting planes, trains and petrol costs out of your wages is common practice 

It saves on your phone bill. It’s smart.


2. You feel well travelled as you’ve been given the exact rundown of everywhere your mate has been

You’re practically a local.

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3. It is both fully acceptable and encouraged to receive a random in-joke WhatsApp at 5am

And you can’t stay mad if it wakes you up, cause it’s gas.

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4. The screenshots you send are illegal

Genuinely, don’t show anyone else.

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5. Feeling EVERYTHING when you see each other again

All of the feelings.

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6. Your time together may NOT be crashed by any man woman or child

So help them GOD.

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7. The away friend Skypes your family

While the home friend visits theirs.
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8. Your Snapchats solidify the thought that you’re the two weirdest/ugliest people in the world

And that you’re totally meant for one another, judging by your penchant for making horrifying faces.

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9. They know everything about anyone you’ve even had the slightest sexual thought about


Seriously, everything.

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10. Time difference means nothing

There’s just a chance for one of you to be awake, narrating the ways of the world, at all times.

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11. When your home friends meet your away best friend, they can’t get over the similarities

I.e. The smiles on your faces from seeing each other.

Oh, and your filthy humour.

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12. Hating their new mates

Not even ashamed. They look weird in their profile pictures.


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13. ‘Drifting apart’ is not a term with which you are familiar

Transatlantic friendship? Do your worst.

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14. You share a Netflix account and go ballistic if they’ve watched something before you

So you watch ahead and give them spoilers for days.

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15. No holds are barred


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16. The airport is shit and you hate it

Except when it’s great and you LOVE it.

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17. You search for jobs and houses and significant others in the vicinity

Those of which you have approved entirely.

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18. But you understand they gotta do what they gotta do

Because you’re the soundest person alive.

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19. And continue to have your cheap flight alert on for all eternity

Even though your mate sometimes has bad breath in the mornings.

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READ NEXT: 17 Thoughts We’ve All Had While Dossing In The Office On Friday
