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08th May 2017

9 Toys That Were Banned From Nearly Every Irish Primary School


Our childhood was basically a vicious circle of begging our parents to buy us the newest ‘must have’ toy, only to be left devastated when it inevitably got banned from school.

If you’re ready to revisit that painful time, then you’ll definitely recognise some of these much coveted toys…

1. Skipping ropes

All we were trying to do was have a little skip but then some people took it too far. There was always some messer pretending they were riding a horse and using the rope as the reins … around someone’s neck. 

If you were lucky, you got a dedicated skipping day in yard. If you were unlucky, you got a note home.

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2. Pokémon cards

Or Yu-Gi-Oh cards, or Trump cards. There was a few variations, but they all possessed the same power to turn best friends against each other.

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3. Puffer balls

I can distinctly remember these being on the news. They were great fun until you squeezed them too hard and they burst, or until we weren’t allowed bring them in anymore.

Rubber Ball Snip

4. Tamagotchis

As a nation, we were OBSESSED but it wasn’t long before the teachers started getting annoyed at us spending more time with our virtual pet than our algebra.

The longer you kept yours alive, the cooler you were. Simpler times.

Tamagotchi 0124 Ubt

5. Heelies

Looking back, they really only made things harder because they were 4x heavier than your average shoe. Nevertheless, it was a sad day for all when they were put on the banned list.

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6. Skip-it

The most common cause of the ankle injuries around the yard. We can kind of see why this one got the boot.

Skip Snip

7. Marbles

These were an infinite source of distraction, and competition. They ignited the fiercest rivalries around and could also be used a deadly weapon – which meant the fun didn’t last for long.

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8. Scoobies

This was a tough one to swallow as these guys were hard to master. Just another nail in the coffin of our childhood.

Scoubidou 6 Strands

9. Baby aliens

Even though they were supposed to have babies themselves, they never ever did. Thinking about them gives me the shivers now, but we carried them everywhere.

Alien Snip

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