We do a weekly round-up of the best tweets Ireland has to offer every seven days. And this week is no different.
You guys give us a lot to work with week in, week out – and basically do our job for us. So, thanks!
This week has a distinctly educational theme, with subjects of the University of Life coming into play. Just look for yourselves…
1. International Relations
Has anyone else noticed how Wales looks like a man in a hat pointing accusingly at Waterford? pic.twitter.com/VhdWfZW9kt
— Adam Leahy (@A_Leahy) May 6, 2017
2. Art
The closest thing Irish men in the 90’s ever came to showing their emotional side was stating that Robbie Williams was a great performer
— Rajiv (@jiffington) May 6, 2017
3. Music
when my mum is desperately trying to get my brother out of bed she shouts “I wanna hear you on the floor” & she sounds like a club DJ lmao
— rebecca comedy (@rbcakn) May 9, 2017
4. Geography
5. Home Ec
If you are ever stuck for food and starving, resort to cannibalism before eating these. pic.twitter.com/bzPdMIgWaB
— MyLimes Na gCopaleen (@bigmonsterlove) May 7, 2017
6. P.E.
this luas was packed and there was a woman who manages to do a full face of makeup without even a pole to hold onto. go get it sis
— sian (@sianvconway) May 9, 2017
7. Literature
a modern tragedy pic.twitter.com/O8JmfJcaI8
— Sam Pearson (@greeneggs_) May 5, 2017
8. Democracy
The 3-year-old wants me to send a text to Lyric FM to say that nobody likes this harpsichord music and to play the Trolls soundtrack instead
— James Kelleher (@etienneshrdlu) May 7, 2017
9. Fashion
10. Social studies
me trying to trick people into going for lunch with me pic.twitter.com/GAzMNfl91N
— Rheanna (@RHEmix_) May 4, 2017
11. And finally, social science
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