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20th Dec 2016

The Deadly Battle From Last Night’s Game Of Thrones Was Actually Filmed In Ireland


If you’ve come this far, it’s pretty fair to assume that you’re about to encounter some serious spoilers…

Just about anyone who caught Sunday night’s episode of Game of Thrones episode will agree that it was potentially one of the best episodes in the series. And what an episode it was: Ramsay Bolton finally got his comeuppance, Lyanna Mormont threw some unbelievable filthies and Jon Snow proved himself to be the hero we always knew he was.

The Battle Of The Bastards saw Jon Snow fight Ramsay Bolton in an attempt to reclaim Winterfell, in a scene that cost over $10million to make, and it was actually filmed on location in Saintfield just outside Belfast.

Hopefully next week’s episode will feature more Northern Ireland scenes as we eagerly await Arya’s arrival back at Winterfell, A.K.A. Castle Ward near Strangford!

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