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09th Jul 2018

Gardaí Have Issued A Warning About ‘Unusual Markings’ At Properties


Gardaí have alerted the public to possible criminal activity after a number of ‘unusual’ markings at three properties in Meath came to their attention at the weekend.

It is thought that these markings could be used as a way of identifying properties for potential break-ins.

Gardaí in Kells issued the warning when they were made aware of what appears to be a rag at three properties in three different locations in the Carnaross area.

According to the Irish Examiner, one rag was tied around the gates of one of the busiest farmyards in Meath while another two were left outside houses.

Neither of the properties was broken into, and the owners were unaware of how they rags ended up on their property.

Meath Crime Prevention Officer Sgt Dean Kerins said they wanted to make the public aware of the material.

“We have taken note of the unusual markings which could possibly be the work of criminals to identify specific houses.

Kerins added that the material could be innocent, but they would like the public to keep an eye out for similar incidences.

If you have any information, please contact the Garda station at Kells on 046 928 0820.

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