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17th Nov 2017

Gardaí Warn Motorists Not To Leave Cars Unattended While They Defrost


With the cold frosty weather setting in, a lot of motorists need to allow for some time to let their cars defrost in the morning before making any trips.

Now Gardaí are advising motorists to be careful and not to leave their cars unattended while their windscreen defrost.

They issued the warning on their Twitter account after two cars were reportedly stolen this morning when the owners left them switched on in order to defrost.

The Gardaí said that motorists should either stay in their car as it defrosts with the heat on, or use a scraper to get rid of frost before driving instead of going off and leaving the car unlocked.

Frost is expected again overnight and Gardaí are advising drivers to make sure that your car is ‘winter ready’ by getting it serviced and checking oil levels.

So if you own a car, be mindful of locking it and making sure it’s ready for the frosty weather.

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