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08th Feb 2018

Gardaí Warn Irish People That ‘Operation Storm’ Is In Full Effect

Darragh Berry

Gardaí are warning the public that ‘Operation Storm’ is in full effect and has made its latest move down in Waterford.

The operation took place on the 6th and 7th of February and used the tactical deployment of resources in the Waterford District which are designed to prevent crime, disrupt criminal activity, arrest criminals wanted for crime, warrants and enhance public relations.

Searches, arrests and warrant executions were carried out throughout the City while checkpoints were also conducted on all the approach roads to Waterford City and within City.

Currently a total of 31 people have been arrested;

  • 18 people arrested for crime
  • 13 people on arrested on warrant
  • 8 of these people were detained under the provisions of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984, at Waterford Garda Station

Crime Prevention leaflets were handed out to members of the public to increase the awareness of protection of their personal property and possessions.

A total of 24 checkpoints have been conducted to date and three vehicles were seized.

They are currently making their way around the country. Their first storm operation was in Kilkenny at the end of January.

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