If you didn’t know, this Friday is national ‘Slow Down’ day, a gardai operation which hopes to reduce the number of speed related collisions, save lives and reduce injuries on our roads.
An Garda Síochána will conduct an intensive national speed enforcement operation for a 24 hour period from 7am on Friday to 7am on Saturday.
The main aim is to get drivers to slow down by reminding them of the dangers of speeding, increasing compliance with speed limits and acting as a warning not to go over the speed limit.
So what’s involved? Well, the gardai say that:
“The operation will consist of Garda high visibility speed enforcement activities on both national primary and secondary roads.
“All speed enforcement technologies will be utilised, including all laser handheld speed detection devices, Garda safety camera vans and in-car speed detection systems.”
GoSafe vehicles will also be deployed on the day in speed enforcement zones where serious and fatal injury collisions have occurred.
“Operation Slowdown” is on the 26+27/5/17 – https://t.co/si81VLEYNh. You can play your part by slowing down & showing support on Facebook pic.twitter.com/Bvpk0Ppt0B
— An Garda Síochána (@GardaTraffic) May 23, 2017
Drive safe and arrive alive lads…