We still have nightmares about the absolute torture that is the Leaving Cert.
It’s a bullshit set of exams which favours those who can learn spiels and spiels of mostly pointless information and then regurgitate it back on a piece of paper in under 3 hours.
It doesn’t define you etc, if you really want to get that job or get that course, there’s always back doors that are easily open.
But in saying that, it’s still okay to avoid sharing with the whole of Ireland what you got points wise.
Just make sure you don’t tell your granny…
Yep, poor old Cillian took to Twitter to share a message that his granny had mistakenly sent to him and all of her contacts after she found out his results…
Two words: Cillian’s devastated.
Nice of my granny to text her pals about my life and press send to all contacts on her Nokia forgetting she has my number pic.twitter.com/oV7StL5sWs
— Cillian Murray (@cillian_Mmurray) August 15, 2018
“Nice of my granny to text her pals about my life and press send to all contacts on her Nokia forgetting she has my number”
Cillian’s tweet has gone insanely viral since he pressed send just after 11am but we’re wondering if the CAO will let him turn the likes and retweets into points.
Fingers crossed.