The name Jonathan Sugarman might be familiar to you but even if it isn’t, it should be after today.
The financial whistleblower, who resigned from his position as an executive of Unicredit Bank to shine a light on irregularities at the bank ahead of the financial crash, today spoke at the Oireachtas Committee on Finance and detailed how his life was “utterly destroyed” by the move.
“Official Ireland has absolutely and completely destroyed the lives of every single whistleblower who has come forward, from whatever walk of life they’ve come. Those with their hands on the levers of power are immune, while those who do the right things have their lives ruined.”
His evidence has sparked a strong reactive on Twitter, with many praising his courage in speaking out.
The entire nation is paying (65 Billion) for the failure to police the banks – @WhistleIRL #JonathanSugarman #vinb #rtept #twip #dail
— Mick Caul (@caulmick) April 13, 2017
#JonathanSugarman Thank you for having the courage and bravery to speak out and stick by your morals.
— Iwillyeah (@BredaMcmanus) April 13, 2017
@WhistleIRL You did a lot for this country today Jonathan. I hope you get the justice and compensation you deserve! #JonathanSugarman
— Jason A. Keane (@JasonAKeane) April 13, 2017
Well done #JonathanSugarman Composed articulate informative today. Up to committee now to tackle #Unicredit #CentralBank @WhistleIRL #TCOIMH
— #EndCorruptionNow #MauriceMcCabe #OnlyForTheTape (@duzbme) April 13, 2017
Why was #JonathanSugarman punished, but reckless and thieving bankers walked away with retirements? They should be jailed and fined heavily.
— Roderick (@SiliconRoderick) April 13, 2017
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