BBC Radio host, Greg James, was discussing his famous ‘going home’ song on his show a couple of days ago.
The song – which as it seems, used to be played around clocking off time on the BBC show – had been axed from his show because quite frankly it was “doing my head in every day…the going home song is dead and gone, never to resurface.
After it was brought up, the host got an email from a listener called Marcus who said that: “RTÉ 2FM, a radio station in Dublin. They’ve got a thing called the ‘going home’ song too and dear god it’s awful.
“He has sent us a Soundcloud link and I’ve got it here and it [sounds] kind of similar,” said James before playing McDermott’s now famous ‘going home from work right now’ song.
James laughs through it and at the finish says that:
“If you’re going to steal an idea, at least steal a good one. Don’t take the ‘going home’ song, the worst of all the features.
“What’s lower than the pits? Nothing.”
Are they similar? Have a listen for yourself…
McDermott’s version and the discussion on the show begins around the 22 minute mark and you can listen to it here.
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