Eoghan McDermott is one of Ireland’s most well-known voices.
He is the host behind RTÉ 2FM’s ‘Drive time slot’ and his show has seen a number of celebrities featured over the years.
However, the broadcaster has got in a lot of trouble for a question that he put towards RTÉ’s Director-General, Dee Forbes, back in March.
McDermott has a segment on his show where he asks hosts a series of random quickfire questions and ends by telling people to say the first thing that comes into their head when he says the word ‘stop’ – (the word he wants to hear is hammertime.)
During this segment, he asked Forbes who she “would like to kick in the testicles, living or dead.”
Forbes replied saying “nobody” before being pushed for an answer again to which she replied, “no, nobody.”
The interview, which took place on International Women’s Day, was deemed by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland to “clearly intended to be light-hearted” but was not justified.
The complaint about the segment, which was upheld by the BAI, said that it condoned violence towards men as well as being offensive discriminatory.
RTÉ said that the specific question had been asked to both women and men that were past guests and that they did not mean to cause offence.
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