A Ryanair passenger filmed a baggage handler basically flinging bags from a conveyor-belt onto a cart carelessly.
The handler in question was picking up bags and firing them on with such power that several went straight through the back of the cart and out the other side on the ground.
Elizabeth Evans filmed this in Manchester Airport as she waited on the plane during her flight on Thursday and it has been viewed over 11m times since.
If the video isn’t playing in the article you can find it here.
After the fifth bag misses the cart and lands on the floor, the handler eventually begins to pick the ones that have fallen off the floor.
Swissport, who are the firm which handles the baggage operation for Ryanair, were disappointed that this took place and an investigation is underway.
Evans was heading from Malaga to Manchester on a Ryanair flight.
Her suitcase is a pink one with butterflies which is the second bag to land on the ground after being flung mid-air.
Swissport said in a statement that: “We are disappointed by the footage circulating on social media, and we apologise for the behaviour of this individual.
“We can confirm we are investigating and will take all steps necessary to ensure this does not happen again.”
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